Friday, October 24, 2008

October has always been one of my favorite months because it feels so much like a new beginning -- autumn leaves changing, crisp and envigorating weather, phenomenal Harvest & Hunter's Moons, the beginning of the holiday seasons, Bob's & my anniversary, our youngest granddaughter Suzie's birthday and a quilting retreat for my quilting friends at our house. This year is no exception however we had even more excitement than the norm. Angela, our oldest granddaughter had her 2nd brain surgery this month as well. I'm worn out! Not really. We are having the very best life ever. So let me take you on the tour of this month.
Our bi-annual quilting retreat was last weekend. We tend to have around 12 ladies in each April and October. Our group is primarily made up of ex-Safeco Insurance employees who got together to quilt and/or show and tell monthly at work. Since most of us have either gone our own way willingly or unwillingly (ya gotta love layoffs), this is our primary time together since we no longer have the work connection. Bob and I rearrange the first floor to have tables for 12 sewing machines, ironing boards, cutting stations, buffets for breakfast, snacks & lunch. With very little effort we can fit all of us comfortably. Then with rotary cutters cutting, blocks being sewn, seams being pressed, we're all elbows and knees working to get as much accomplished as is humanly possible in one day! This year attendance was down for the first time in the last 4 1/2 years. We had vacations to NY and Las Vegas, some health issues with quilters and parents of quilters, and some ballet performances that trumped Mom's taking the day out to quilt but those of us who came were very productive! Here are a couple pictures of our handiwork.

This Fuchsia & Lime quilt is one I designed as my mind wandered during a long day at work a few weeks back. I had bought much of the fabric at Fabric Depot in Portland, Or. The rest I found at Pacific Fabrics in Everett, WA. I love how it turned out. It's bright and beautiful and full of life, just like Angela who coincidentally will be the recipient of this quilt.

This photo is of a placemat that Jeanne made for the Christmas holidays. She took a class on using RickRack on her quilting. It turned out nicely, I think!

Here is a link to the one other attendee's work. Sue is phenomenal with color and design. I learn so much from this group of women. I'm especially intrigued for this quilt to be finished. I know I will be impressed, yet again, at her talents.

Nikki, pictured here spent time doing a little o' this and a little o' that. She did some sock knitting which will be showing up in a blog near you very soon! She's my daughter and I've very, very proud of her! And look at that, she can carve punkins, too!

Now onto the next big event this month. Angela, who has a disease called Moya Moya which is a vascular disease of the brain, had her second successful brain surgery. The first was in May of this year. She's now home and recovering nicely! She is half bald with a whinger of an incision and one eye swollen shut but she's on the road to wonderful improvements in her health. Now besides this being a huge success, we're having some fun along the way. King 5 TV does news spots on health issues with children who are being treated by Children's Hospital in Seattle. Our family was selected for one of their spots which will bring attention to this disease in terms of its symptoms, diagnosis, surgical options and impacts to our family. We've had one interview with just Bob and I. They've done the filming during the surgery and will be coming over to the house next week to interview Angela. Now this is where I really, really wish I'd paid attention to that diet I've been ignoring so I could have been 30 pounds slimmer for my TV debut but at this point, I think the only option for that to happen is a quick and sure amputation of my butt, legs, waist, tummy....oh crap. I need it all-over! But not to worry, in the infamous words of my boss who always has the right thing to say at the right time , "Just don't drool"....with that kind of support, who needs a perfect body? Signing off for now. It's been a wonderful month and we look forward to the continuous daily adventures that have become a part of our family.